Devotional for March, Week 1 – Seeking God’s Kingdom First: A Reflection on Matthew 6:33

As we enter the first week of March 2024, we find ourselves at a point where the freshness of the new year meets the ongoing rhythms of our daily lives. It’s a fitting time to reflect on a verse that calls us to realign our priorities: Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Understanding the Context

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus presents this directive as a remedy for anxiety about worldly needs. He encourages his listeners to shift their focus from the anxieties of life – like food, clothing, and shelter – to a higher pursuit: the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

The Kingdom of God: A Priority

  1. What Is the Kingdom of God?: The kingdom of God is often thought of as a future reality, but Jesus taught that it’s also a present reality. It’s the realm where God’s will is done, where His values and principles are lived out.
  2. Seeking the Kingdom First: To seek the kingdom first means to prioritize God’s will and ways in our lives. It’s about aligning our daily choices, actions, and attitudes with God’s principles.

Righteousness: A Way of Life

  1. Understanding Righteousness: Biblical righteousness is more than moral correctness; it’s about being in right relationship with God and others. It implies living a life that reflects God’s character – love, justice, mercy, and faithfulness.
  2. Pursuing Righteousness: Seeking righteousness involves pursuing a life that pleases God, making decisions that reflect His love and justice, and treating others with compassion and fairness.

The Promise of Provision

  1. God’s Provision: Jesus assures that when we prioritize the kingdom and righteousness, our material needs will be met. This doesn’t imply a life of luxury but a life where our basic needs are taken care of as we devote ourselves to God’s purposes.
  2. Misunderstanding the Promise: This promise is not a prosperity gospel that equates faithfulness with material wealth. It’s about trusting God to provide what we need as we commit to His purposes.

Practical Applications

  1. Daily Decisions: Each day offers opportunities to seek God’s kingdom. We can choose to be honest, to show kindness, to stand up for justice, or to offer forgiveness.
  2. Setting Priorities: Evaluate your priorities in light of God’s kingdom. What changes might you need to make in how you use your time, money, and talents?
  3. Cultivating Trust: As we focus on God’s kingdom, we also learn to trust Him for our needs. This trust grows as we experience His faithfulness in our lives.
  4. Community Engagement: Seek God’s kingdom collectively. Engage with a community of believers to serve, learn, and grow together in pursuing God’s purposes.

This week, as we step into the routines and challenges of March, let’s embrace the call of Matthew 6:33. Let’s seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness, knowing that in doing so, we align ourselves with a purpose greater than our immediate concerns. As we prioritize God’s kingdom, we find our lives enriched not just with material needs but with a deeper sense of meaning, fulfillment, and peace. This pursuit reshapes our priorities, guides our decisions, and anchors our lives in the eternal, loving purposes of God.

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Hi! I’m Becca!

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